What the duck?!?
What do ducks have to do with spiritual healing?
I've always had an affinity with ducks. I grew up on a 500 year old watermill with a millpond. We had a lot of ducks. My favourite was called Quentin. Every morning he would be waiting to greet me at the back door. I'd invite him into the kitchen and we'd sit together and share breakfast. Those quiet moments in the morning were a little slice of heaven. He had a way of looking at me, deeply. We understood each other.
In many cultures ducks have been associated with emotional strength and adaptability. Ducks can dive into water, dive into the mud, come up to the surface and the water and mud runs off their backs. They were recognised as a symbol for healing.

As an Intuitive Healer, I need to meet clients in the water and mud, in those energy spaces. But I need to ensure I come up and leave those energies behind.
Protecting my energy and my healing room is very important to me. It's taken years or development and I've received valuable advice from mentors.
Sometimes clients can hold back in sessions, afraid they will be 'too much' or that they have too many things they want to say. But my energy is protected, I am a vessel for the universe. Know that I hold space for you to say whatever you feel called to say. It's only by peeling back the layers that true healing can occur. I'll meet you in the water and mud and I will give you the tools you need to get to the surface.
My challenge to you: Go to your local duck pond, feed them duck feed or some peas. Watch them dive and the water run off their backs. Reflect on what you want to let go of in your life.
