She Sparkles
There once was soul who came from the stars,
she was made of pure love.
The wisdom of the universe within her.
She had lessons to learn on earth.
She was born where she wasn't wanted,
she was too much for them.
They sensed her power, and light inside her,
it terrified them.
They tried to contain her,
they succeeded in making her believe she was small and powerless.
They couldn't bare it because that light was love,
a love so pure, without conditions, ancient.
Over time she forgot she came from the stars,
she forgot she was powerful,
but cracks of light still shone through.
They could never quite get rid of it,
for when a powerful soul resides in flesh,
no matter how hard they tried, it found a way to sparkle
She went as maiden through life,
they had set her up for others to contain her,
abuse her,
she came to expect it.
They could see the light within her, dangerous to them,
but trapped and contained,
she couldn't see it for herself.
Until one day she broke,
completely and utterly.
A rebirth forged in fire,
burnt to ashes the light burst forth.
She cried out "this is who I am"
"this is who I've always been"
a reawakening, a remembering.
And now she knows, she cannot be contained again,
for whilst the light was imprisioned it still shone bright beneath,
she leaves a sparkle wherever she goes.
â’¸Fran Hunt 2023
